For real this time- My Birthday in Kenting

Friday night we packed and cleaned the apartment a little before the trip.

Saturday we left bright and early:
9am left the apartment
MRT to HSR Train Station (High Speed Rail)
HSR to Zuoying 2 hours
Bus from Zuoying to Kenting 2 1/2 hours

We saw a really cool temple with lanterns on the bus ride!

Now we're starting to see the beach!!! It was really exciting!

When we got to the hotel we were STARVING. So we checked in and ordered lunch at the cafe. THIS was the salad: a work of art!
We didn't know the portions would be HUGE so we were a little daunted. I got a really yummy rice-beef dish. Albert got beef noodles. Next stop was the beach (pictures a little later) and soon it was time for dinner.

We had a free dinner with the hotel package at their Chinese restaurant. Again, it was really a meal for 5 people. Here's a dish with shrimp, beans, flower petals, and a special kind of seed.

Albert tricked me into eating this one. It's squid!!! Yuck! With a dipping sauce and some seaweed.
Had to take a picture with this mannekin because I love the swim suit and it was too expensive to buy.

Alright, the next thing on the list was to go to the Kenting night market. About 10-15 minutes walk.

We saw pizza rolled into a cone!

Coconut juice!
Seafood. Squid again...
More seafood and a whole bird.
Clams and oysters.
I ended up getting some really cute sundresses ($3 each) and some bracelets with seashells. It was a nice place! Also, we saw a crossdresser come out of a restaurant and do a dance for everyone.

Albert surprised me at the end of the night with a little birthday celebration. It was very sweet! :)

Our room!

Now come the beach pictures! Looking at this just makes me feel relaxed! It was so nice!
There were lots of little crabs on the shore. We saw a hermit crab! It looked like a spider!!
There were bungaloos to sit under. The sand was unbearably hot on Sunday!
The waves here were HUGE so close to the shore!

This was the pool overlooking the ocean. We swam in it Saturday at night, and Albert taught me how to do the breaststroke properly.
Sunday afternoon we played on the beach and get this: FLOATED in the ocean!!! There was an enclosed area safe of jellyfish and undercurrents where we could put on life-jackets and float near the shore. It was super scary and amazing! At first I clung to Albert's life-jacket and then I ended up being comfortable floating by myself! It was so cool to move with the waves! PS- Mom, Dad, it was really safe- don't worry!!!
We had a really good time! We might go back for Albert's birthday.
Then came the 4 1/2 hour ride back home. The clouds were magnificent. This formation really made me think of God!
All in all it was an amazing trip! The hotel we stayed at was incredible! Lots of nice outdoor areas. Four or five pools. Nice places to sit down on the porch! And many cool things to do on the beach (which we didn't have time for). However, we really paid for all that finery- it was pretty expensive.

But still, I hope we go again!! :D


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