Hess Banquet, Training, Lindy Hop, and Medical Check!

Things have been really busy since I've gone back to work. We had a year-end banquet for my school. We went to the Hyatt hotel and had some kind of assembly where different branches gave cheers. After that there were some performances- dancing fish and dragons on a stick... I went to TGIF for the first time in Taiwan and they had a great drink- it's like an oreo milkshake with liqueur inside. It was very yummy! Then there was a banquet where we sat at different round tables and people went on stage to perform songs. There were free drinks and a lot of people took advantage of that. It was most interesting to see where conversations kept going to. But it was a fun experience- you gotta try everything once, right?

My Pony class TA- she is awesome!!!
Pony Class HRT- She's been with me since I started working in Taiwan! :)
My great coworkers! Everyday at work is always interesting! ;)
With my manager and director- NICEST bosses I've ever had
With my Bear class HRT- I stole her from Rachel when she left ;)
Anyways. In the meantime I guess I'm taking a break from Chinese class (not enough people signed up) and I'm training to get back into ballroom competitions instead. I'm making myself practice 3 times a week, but uh it's kinda hard when I go by myself, practice the wrong technique, and then get told later I'm doing it wrong.... Urgh. But it's a work in progress. I'm also trying out the lindy hop scene in Taipei. It's a small group but there's a bunch of Americans doing it, and awww going dancing makes me remember how much I love lindy! I'm gonna try out the Argentine Tango next week if I get my way.

It's also that time of the year when I need to renew my ARC (Alien Residence Card). So that means a trip to the hospital for a medical check... Basic stuff, blood test, full chest x-ray for TB... (Yeah.. I know... :-\) Turns out I'm in the gray area for Measles and Mumps so they made me get the vaccine.. again. I'm 99% sure I got it when I was little. But whatever. So that's done.

Yeah so I obviously have nothing better to say. But I wanted to update and let people know what's going on. The end of the semester is coming up so things are busy at school. Chinese New Year is also coming in February and it's my year- Year of the Rabbit! I get a week off and we might do a little traveling in Taiwan.

Oh and another random thing: we lost one of our English channels (Starworld) so no more sitcoms, and random trashy tv. It's kinda a major blow - that means only HBO and those kinds of channels now.

PS- I was told yesterday that I look like I'm 18. Yay! I still got it! ;) (23 is so old)


  1. HBO! I don't even get that channel, how fancy. I'd be happy with just the normal ABC/NBC/Discovery type channels. :)

  2. three things:
    1. yes, you did steal Eisa, and isn't she wonderful? :)

    2. Starworld is gone??? i LOVED starworld- they used to play glee

    3. i miss you and love you!

  3. I miss you too!!!!!!!!! Hey remember how when you and Michael were here everyone would always go out to eat for lunch and I would stay and eat the school food? Now no one wants to go out anymore and I'm always trying to drag people out to eat! It's so ironic!

  4. hey, found your site by searching taiwan lindy hop... where in Taipei are you finding these swing dancers? I had found a group called Taiwan Lindy Movement back in 2007, but they disappeared on me.


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