
Heh heh... I've come back to life! O:-) Sorry it's been a long hiatus. Lots of things have happened since.... December! Can you guess where I am right now? Narita airport in Japan! I'm on my way to Michigan (but stopping in Seattle for a few hours first). I'm really excited to be going back to America! I miss the food (SO MUCH), the tv, the culture, (and my family of course but that goes without being said ;) ). It's going to be VERY strange though, not being around Taiwanese people and having to speak English all the time. I think I've become a little more Asian, being here for so long... Lots of people avoid confrontation and conflict here so I'm getting to be really sensitive to other peoples' feelings. I'm afraid I'm going to think everyone in America is too pushy when I go back. And I'm used to being average sized here... I'm going to feel like an ant pretty soon!

And the urge to speak Chinese is going to be an embarassing problem. In fact I just said "xie xie" to a Japanese person on accident! Oops! ("xie xie" means thank you) I have a feeling that either I'm going to make a fool of myself speaking Chinese to native English speakers OR I'm going to forget a lot of Chinese from not speaking it for a week.

But to catch up on what's going on in my life... I had a good Christmas! It was so strange cause it's my first away from my family, but it was really nice to skype with them! My job's company had a year-end banquet recently. (It's like a big celebration for all the employees that they have every year) and two exciting things happened. I had to do a dance performance with my coworkers at school in a room full of the most important people in the company; AND  I WON AN IPAD 2!!!! I haven't won anything that valuable in my life. It's something I wouldn't have even bought for myself, so I'm really really happy. I named it "Felicita" by the way. (happy in Italian)

Chinese New Year is next week, which is why I get to take some time off. It's the year of the Dragon- the most important zodiac I believe. It's also 2012... Interesting! We'll see what happens December 23rd. The dragon is also Bruce Lee's sign by the way. Oh! And I think we're going to visit his grave in Seattle today!!!! I'm sad I'm going to miss Chinese New Year in Taiwan, because I haven't actually seen any of the celebrations. The past two years we spent time inside with Albert's family. Next year I hope I can go out and see firecrackers and lion dances. But last weekend we had a little family get together to have a Chinese New Year dinner. It was super delicious!

So anyways I'm happy to have a little vacation. Can't wait to see my Mom and eat American food. I have a list! I also want to head to the library and stock up on language learning cds... other misc. projects, and catch up with friends! (If I got to dance a little bit that would be heaven!)

See you soon! (Maybe in person ;) )


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