Two in One Day!

Today was super hilarious- got raided twice today. Totally out of the blue! When you see someone pointing at you, saying "Go go!" you just run and get out of the building. Second time was at the end of the day and I was in the middle of eating a guava. I got the signal and I threw my guava in the direction of the table, grabbed my stuff and ran to my other classroom to get my shoes. I burst in on their Chinese time and say "WO DE XIE ZI!" (my shoes) Someone grabs them for me in a panic. My socks were inside but I didn't have a grip on them so as I run out the door my socks fly everywhere. So I'm running on the street in my bare feet because no time to put them on. One of my students managed to give another teacher one of my socks while they were getting out though.

Everything's fine and no harm done. It was just really funny. This hasn't happened in a long time, and never twice in one day. I wasn't allowed to go back in and clean up that guava. So sorry!!!


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