Going Around Taiwan (West Coast)

the city of: Taizhong! (Day 7)

Taizhong is the third-largest city in Taiwan. It's not as developed as Taipei or Gaoxiong- no subway system. However, it is said to be the city with the best weather in Taiwan- not to cold, not too hot, not too rainy.
The Museum of Natural Science is really neat. It has life-size dinosaur skeletons and a pair of moving T-rexes. It also has a section on life and death and the rituals in different countries. It's really too much to take in in one visit. I wanted to stay longer!
Sorry! No subtitles for this one!

This says that a set of twins' dna is 100% identical whereas humans and chimps dna is 99% identical!
This is a terrifying prehistoric fish!
This is how big that fish is, compared to humans!!!!! AGH!!
I hate big spiders! That's its real size!!
A giant centipede like thing!!!

These are prehistoric fish that are still around (and in Taiwan!!!)

T-rex robots!
My fav! Velociraptors!
This is a model of Lucy!! She was really tiny!
This is a real mummy! They had an exhibit where they showed a transformation of how you can figure out what he really looked like
This is what the mummy looked like when he was alive! Kinda handsome!!!
This is something strange and cool that I don't understand yet. Those are jade stones to put around a body to make a mummy...
Jing Ming First Street is supposed to be a nice place to hang out and walk around. We wanted to find Chun Shui Tang- the first bubble tea place. (If you don't know bubble tea- it's milk with tea and tapioca bubbles you suck up with a straw) I normally don't like bubble tea but I absolutely loved it at Chun Shui Tang! I'd refuse to drink it anywhere else now! We actually went to another Chun Shui Tang, not the one on Jing Ming First Street.

Bubble tea time!
Okay I'm not drinking the bubble tea here but I swear it's amazing!!!

Luce Memorial Chapel is on the campus of Donghai University. It was designd by a famous Chinese-American architect and named after a mainland China missionary. It's the most famous church in Taiwan. It's supposed to resemble hands at prayer and it's withstood many strong earthquakes!
I'm a treehugger! I don't deny it!!
There was actually a funeral going on that day... Oops!
The inside was nothing to look at at all. Ick!

This is Amazing Grace in Chinese!

So this is the end of our trip around the west coast of Taiwan! It was really satisfying and I feel like I know more of the country! SO glad I got to see these different sites. If I could pick my favorite part I think it would be Taizhong city because of the Natural Science Museum. But truly I loved every day on the trip and every place was so much fun to visit!!! Next time we're going to check out the east coast cities (Hualien and Taidong) and then hopefully visit some of the outlying islands! :D

SO HAPPY! Thank you for reading!!!


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